
  • Gaps and Barriers to Mental Health Care

    Mental health problems are experienced by individuals across the whole nation. In fact, 1 in 5 Americans have experienced a mental health issue at some point, and 1 in 20 Americans are currently living with a serious mental illness. Mental illnesses can range from schizophrenia to bipolar disorder or to major depression. Despite the prevalence…

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  • Physical Activity During the Postpartum Period

    Physical activity can help improve the overall wellbeing of individuals, not only enhancing physical wellbeing, but also emotional and mental health. The benefits of physical activity span across the timelines, helping to improve health across the whole lifetime of an individual. “…all parts of the body which have a function, if used in moderation and…

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  • Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum Depression

    Many mothers experience mood disorders following their birth experience. A common postpartum mood disorder is called the baby blues in which the mother experiences intense mood swings. The baby blues are typically experienced during the initial 6 weeks after giving birth. In fact, over 80% of women who have given birth have stated they experience…

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  • Reproductive Toxicity & Infertility in Men

    Everyday, we are surrounded by chemicals and substances that could have harmful reproductive effects. Reproductive toxins can play a role in causing specific fertility problems in men. Exposures to certain substances can impact the reproductive system in men by impairing the sperm, altering hormones, and changing the composition of semen. All of these consequences reduce…

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  • Reproductive Toxicity & Infertility in Women

    If you or someone you care about faces the daunting prospect of infertility, there can be a huge mix of emotions to deal with – worry, fear, dismay, and confusion. Infertility is a huge and sad topic to discuss, but it is important to embark on this difficult conversation to grow and learn about the…

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  • Understanding Maternal Suicidality: Risks, Timing, and Prevention

    The grief, sadness, and depression that parents feel due to loss, pain, or unforeseen circumstances is a true tragedy. Sometimes the pain and sadness a mother experiences can lead to dark places of suicidal thoughts or actions. Although it is heart-wrenching to bring up the topic of maternal suicide, it is critical to start conversations…

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  • Nutrition During Pregnancy

    The benefits of optimal nutrition are incredibly important during pregnancy. Optimal nutrition is critical to the healthy development of the child in utero. There isn’t really any other time in life when these nutritional benefits are as obvious. A deviation from optimal nutrition within a society poses serious risks to adverse health outcomes in the…

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  • Supporting a Healthy Gut Microbiome During Pregnancy

    As an expecting mother, you have a lot of changes to face – a new season of life, an expanding belly, fluctuating moods and emotions, a changing appetite, and all the other changes associated with welcoming a new life into the world. Some of the changes pregnant women encounter on their journey are very obvious…

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  • Development of a Child In-Utero

    The development of a baby begins at conception, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, becoming a zygote. Embryonic or fetal age (conceptual age): the amount of time elapsed since the sperm fertilizes the egg The embryonic or fetal age is different than the typical method of measuring the prenatal age of a baby – the…

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  • Depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy is often unnoticed yet very difficult reality of new parents. Many women are struggling with postpartum depression (PPD), with this disorder being the most common problem associated with giving birth. About 15% of women experience a major depressive disorder during the postpartum period, but the true amount of…

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